bigha|bighas in English


(in India) unit of land area that varies from a 1/3 of an acre to an acre

Use "bigha|bighas" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "bigha|bighas" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bigha|bighas", or refer to the context using the word "bigha|bighas" in the English Dictionary.

1. India has agreed to 24 hour access across the Tin Bigha corridor.

2. At long last the question of access across Teen Bigha to Dahagram and Angarpotha has been meaningfully addressed.

3. The 24-hour unfettered access through the Tin Bigha Corridor to Dahagram and Angarpota has been achieved.

4. * Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed deep appreciation of the Government of Bangladesh for facilitating 24-hour unfettered access to Bangladesh nationals through the Tin Bigha Corridor.

5. As the Prime Minister has just announced, we have worked out 24-hour access to the enclaves of Dahagram-Angarpota through the Tin Bigha Corridor.

6. Progress has been made on issues relating to river waters sharing, land boundary, provision of 250 MW of power from India to Bangladesh, facilitation of 24-hour access to Bangladesh nationals through the Tin Bigha Corridor, electrification of Dahagram and Angorpota enclaves, among others.

7. The announcement regarding India’s facilitation of 24-hour access for Bangladesh nationals from the Bangladesh mainland to Dahagram & Angarporta through the Tin Bigha Corridor was made during the visit of the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh to Bangladesh on September 06, 2011